We all agree to the fact that raising a child is one of the toughest and equally satisfying jobs in the world. And also, the one for which we are least prepared.
Every new parent needs guidance and support to rear the child in the safest and secure manner. The sense of self starts developing in children when you start addressing them with various names, tone of your voice, body language and expressions. Parents' words and actions help children in developing their self-esteem. Appreciating even for their smallest effort will build their confidence. Parents are advised not to speak to their children in a loud tone. Parents need to select the words and sentences very carefully before speaking to them.
Along with this, the child rearing procedure is followed for the development, promotion and providing support for the physical, emotional, social and academic growth of a child from formative years to adulthood.
Your child is a natural learner, investigator and thinker. It is our job to provide the materials and activities that support and enhance your child's ability to learn. Children Paradise Preschool is a whole-child curriculum, which means the content of the program supports ALL aspects of your child's growing and learning. Each day at school offers your child opportunities to learn key Science, Math, and Literacy concepts and the Social, Creative and Physical skills that are essential to school success. Together they create a balanced program that emphasized the natural way your child learns through experiences.
With an engaging mixture of fun and learning, children at school will gain essential skills that will be the foundation for learning success throughout the rest of their schooling and life. Come join us for the joy of learning…the Children Paradise way.